What are the Punishments for Giving a False Name to a Police Officer in Virginia?

What are the Punishments for Giving a False Name to a Police Officer in Virginia?

There is a misdemeanor and felony version of this type of crime in Virginia. Specifically, under Virginia Code Section 19.2-82.1, “any person who falsely identifies himself to a law enforcement officer with the intent to deceive the law enforcement officer as to his real identity after being lawfully detained and after being requested to identify…

What is Restitution and What Happens if I Don’t Pay It? How Does Restitution Impact My Case?

What is Restitution and What Happens if I Don’t Pay It? How Does Restitution Impact My Case?

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, restitution is defined as the return or restoration of some specific thing to its rightful owner or status; compensation for benefits derived from a wrong done to another; and also compensation or reparation for the loss caused to another. In the criminal context, the purpose of restitution is compensate or…

What is the Difference Between District Court and Circuit Court in Virginia?

What is the Difference Between District Court and Circuit Court in Virginia?

There are two types of trial courts at the local level in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Specifically, there are general district courts, which are the lower courts and there are circuit courts, which are the higher trial courts. In particular, there are two types of district courts in Virginia: the General District Courts and the…