What Should I Do If I Miss Court in Norfolk? What are the Penalties for Failing to Appear in Court in Virginia? How Do Failures to Appear Affect My Bond or Any Future Criminal Cases?

What Should I Do If I Miss Court in Norfolk? What are the Penalties for Failing to Appear in Court in Virginia? How Do Failures to Appear Affect My Bond or Any Future Criminal Cases?

According to the Code of Virginia “whoever…willfully fails to appear before any court or judicial officer as required, shall, after notice to all interested parties, incur a forfeiture of any security which may have been given or pledged for his or her release, unless one of the parties can show good cause for excusing the…

Should I Turn Myself In? What Should I Do Before I Turn Myself In?

Should I Turn Myself In? What Should I Do Before I Turn Myself In?

A commonly asked question of criminal defense attorneys is whether a person should turn himself or herself in on an outstanding warrant and what that person should do prior to submitting to authorities. Depending on many factors, a person is generally more likely to receive a bond (and be out of custody while their attorney…